Advanced Dental Bridges to Restore Your Missing Teeth

If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge can restore your smile and oral function. Implant-supported dental bridges can replace several adjacent missing teeth with a great deal of comfort and stability. Dr. Randal Watson, can perform your implant surgery, as well as place your bridge, all in the convenience of one office. While he typically recommends implant-supported restorations for their health and cosmetic benefits, he also offers traditional dental bridges at his Austin, TX, practice. Contact our office to learn how a dental bridge can improve your bite, smile, and self-confidence.

Though traditional bridges can effectively replace your missing teeth, we typically recommend dental implants for their increased stability and durability.

Traditional Dental Bridges

Traditional dental bridges are comprised of several attached dental crowns. If you choose a traditional bridge, your surrounding healthy teeth will support the restoration. Therefore, Dr. Watson will need to reshape these teeth to form a strong base for the bridge.

Often, Dr. Watson can use our CEREC® system to provide same-day bridges. He will take digital images of your teeth, and our in-office milling machine will generate a custom restoration from advanced porcelain. 

Implant-supported Dental Bridges

Illustration of implant-supported dental bridgesThough traditional bridges can effectively replace your missing teeth, we typically recommend dental implants for their increased stability and durability. To determine your candidacy for this type of restoration, Dr. Watson will take digital x-rays of your jaw. If you have suffered bone recession, he may perform a bone graft to provide more support for the implant posts.

Following any necessary bone grafting, Dr. Watson will place the implants inside your jawbone. He will choose the locations carefully to ensure lasting results. Your bone will heal around the titanium posts, which will serve as your new tooth roots. Full recovery usually takes four to six months, after which Dr. Watson can place your custom-made dental bridge.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges

Both traditional and implant-supported bridges will improve your appearance and restore your ability to eat and speak. Additionally, by filling in the gaps in your smile, a bridge can keep your other teeth from shifting out of place.

Implant-supported bridges have additional benefits. First, when you brush, floss, and maintain regular preventive visits, implants will typically last the rest of your life. They are more stable than other types of restorations. Even foods that are typically difficult to eat will not damage your implant-supported bridge.

One of the most important benefits of dental implants is that they can prevent jawbone recession. Implants will replace your tooth roots, sending restorative signals to the surrounding bone tissue. In some cases, implants can actually help to replace lost bone volume. Ultimately, dental implants can prevent additional tooth loss, as well as give your face and mouth a more proportioned look.

Contact Our Practice

Dr. Watson will conduct a full oral examination to determine the right type of dental bridge for your needs. To learn more about dental bridges or to schedule your consultation, contact us today

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Reach out today to set up an appointment with Dr. Randal Watson and his experienced team.

We strive to make every experience a positive one. Randal Watson, DDS, PA

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Dr. Randal Watson provides dental services to patients from two locations in Austin, TX.

We have 2 locations in the greater Austin, TX area

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Research Blvd Office

13809 Research Blvd
Ste 804
Austin, TX 78750

Open Today 8:00am - 3:00pm

More Info Directions (512) 331-0001

N Quinlan Park Rd Office

4300 N Quinlan Park Rd
Ste 230
Austin, TX 78732

Open Today 8:00am - 3:00pm

More Info Directions (512) 266-3600